Sunday, April 14, 2013

Short and Sweet Grenoble

It's finally time for a short blog, eh?

I just want to say first and foremost that I MISS YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH and I can't wait to see some of you in just A FEW WEEKS ahhh!

Now, to the blog.......

The weekend after I got back from Ireland there was a huge flea market that happens twice a year in Grenoble. It’s right along the walls of the river and it stretches out a mile or two. The people come from all surrounding cities selling old antique furniture, collectible items, china, clothes etc. So most of my group decided to meet up in the morning to go and see what we could find. We ended up splitting up and getting lost amongst the crowd but we all were able to find little treasures. Cameron bought a vinyl of Stevie Wonder, Peter bought little dishes from Morocco to cook escargot in, Katie bought a 1950’s handbag and I bought an old tobacco pipe to give a certain family member back home J. It was fun doing something that you would normally see in the states. Afterwards we were all starved so we stopped in a café and grabbed lunch, then because it was such a beautiful day we walked to a nearby park where we did some sunbathing and people watching. It seemed like everyone and their mother was tight rope walking. An activity I had scene a few times in San Diego but apparently is very popular in France, where you tie a tight rope between two nearby trees and attempt to walk across it without falling. Some people were very successful but it was more entertaining to watch the debutants. We spent the whole day here chit chatting, laughing and enjoying the very rare sunny day we had.
            That following day, I had signed up for a French cuisine class with some other people in my group. Around 6:00pm we headed over to the ladies house. Once we got there, we divvied up the tasks (appetizer, entrée and dessert). I was in charge of dessert with Kendall and Gabrielle. I didn’t realize how difficult it was going to be because I had forgotten they use the metric system so everything was in liters and kilograms and the cooking directions were in French, which normally wouldn’t be a problem, but I lack the culinary vocabulary in French.  Once we were finished we helped set the table and then brought out the lovely meal we had just cooked. We ate in the French order (salad, appetizer, which was a zuchinni and salmon soufflé, the entrée which was pork chops with mustard sauce, green beans and rice accompanied with white wine then dessert, tarte tatin which is like an apple turnover crumble pie and then bread and cheese and coffee (of course). By the time we finished, I swear I gained 20 lbs…so worth it though because it was the most delicious meal I had had in France since I’d been there!

                                   A nearby park
                                     The view from the Chateau in the park...the Chateau is not worth mentioning ha
                                           Petite waterfall
                                     Deer in the park??
                                            Megan  and I
                                    The Chateau
                                     Walking through the hundreds of acres
                                          Katie and Peter making the soufflé
                                   Day of the market
                                            Beginning stages of the dessert
                                  Our table with the timbale aux courgettes et saumon soufflé
                                   Côtes de porc sauce moutardée avec haricot verts
                                   End result of the dessert tarte tatin....proud moment
                                    A little kitty that came to visit me outside my window
                An absolutely HILARIOUS video of an evil swan creeping up on us and my friend Jordan's commentary.

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